Is Root Canal Really Necessary?


Root canal treatments are necessary when the pulp or the nerve of the tooth has been damaged. In many cases, this damage is accompanied by pain ranging from mild to severe. However, there can be no pain or other symptoms if the nerve of the tooth has already died. One of the more important treatments in modern dentistry, root canal therapy can save teeth that would have otherwise been extracted.

When deep decay, abscess, or damage affects the pulp of the tooth, the soft inner tissues become inflamed. This can be quite painful. Bacteria can grow in the compromised root canals of the tooth and create an infection that cannot be treated by antibiotics. The pulp of the tooth must be removed to save it.

Root canal treatments are typically preferred over extractions when possible because the root canal treatment preserves the tooth. Once a tooth has been extracted, it will then need to be replaced using an implant or bridge. This can lead to more dental issues. Saving the tooth allows it to continue to work in your mouth just as it always has.

Call us today to learn more about root canal treatments or to schedule your consultation with our root canal dentist.

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